Piper Club Airplanes, F16’s And Roll Banners

Plastic roll banners on the printing press

What do Piper Clubs and F16’s have to do with plastic roll banners? Dig into this article to find out!

While many plastic roll banner printers have flexographic presses that have capacity to print 4 spot colors, our printers can print up to 6 spot colors.

In addition, we print 4 color process (4CP) plastic roll banners. However, the size and scope of projects is quite different. At Northcoast Banners, we’re often quoted as saying that printing spot color roll banners is to printing 4 color process plastic roll banners as Piper Club airplanes are to F16 fighters.

Significant upfront costs when dealing with 4CP plastic roll banners result in a much longer minimum run than spot colors, in order to cost justify an expensive run. Yet though our minimum run for 4CP banners was once 25,000 linear feet, today, thanks to the steady pace of technological development we can now print runs of 4CP plastic roll banners as short as 10,000 linear feet.

Printing 4 color process Vinyl Roll Banners are all in a days work., and our digital printers produce full color (4CP) roll banners at resolutions up to 600 dpi. Vinyl roll banners can be produced with webs of up to 60” tall and repeats as long as you need. They are printed with indoor/outdoor (UV Solvent) inks, on reusable 10-ounce scrim vinyl.

To learn more about spot color and 4 color process roll banners, please contact us by e-mail at info@phpstack-551713-2912123.cloudwaysapps.com or call us at 800-231-4213. We will be happy to answer your questions!

Mendy Rimler

Mendy Rimler

For over two decades, NorthCoast Banners has been the go-to source for high-quality custom printing for large format banners, plastic roll banners, stage backdrops and mobile stage festival banners.