STX Makes The Switch To Plastic Roll Banners With North Coast Banners

Plastic Roll Banners along a fence at the front of blechers on an athletic field.

Plastic signs are a dime a dozen, and yet their true value is often taken for granted.

But at STX, a sporting goods company based in Baltimore, MD the value of plastic roll banners is now deeply appreciated.

“We used to use snow fencing, but it was extremely expensive,” explains event-marketing coordinator Carrie Gamper.

At their event two weeks ago, “the plastic rolls that we got from North Coast Banners, with their clean lines and vibrant colors were an easy, cheap and affordable alternative.”

STX sponsors events regularly to promote their products, so quality signs are a key component in their marketing strategy. Increasingly, more companies like STX are turning to North Coast Banners to find cost-effective advertising solutions with eye-catching plastic roll banners.

Gamper agrees. Although it’s their first time using plastic rolls, already, she’s confident that these signs “will last us a long time.”

“We’re looking forward to using them throughout the summer,” she beams.


Mendy Rimler

Mendy Rimler

For over two decades, NorthCoast Banners has been the go-to source for high-quality custom printing for large format banners, plastic roll banners, stage backdrops and mobile stage festival banners.