Stage Banners at Movement Festival in Detroit

Detroit mesh festival Banners on either side of a large stage in front of a large crowd.

Stage Banners featuring Vitamin Water

The Movement Festival was held in Hart Plaza in downtown Detroit May 28-30 this year. The fest was a sight to behold with a record attendance number of 99,282 people, five different stages, and a lineup that included over 100 DJs from around the world. Over the course of three days I saw everyone from the very young to the very old flock to the stages enjoy a wide variety of live techno performances. Just within the crowd there were dance circles galore—hip hop, break dancing, gloving, hula hooping, glow sticks, people busting out the quirkiest moves in their repertoire—which made ‘Movement Festival’ a fitting name.

Mesh Banner featuring Vitamin Water

The other thing that caught my eye, of course, were the 10ft by 35ft vinyl mesh stage scrims NorthCoast made for the Vitamin Water stage. This year the banners included a QR code that, when scanned by a smartphone, took users to the Vitamin Water website on the free wireless internet available at the fest.

Detroit metro times vinyl mesh banner

I also saw some vinyl mesh banners on the fence outside that NorthCoast made for another Movement Festival sponsor, the Detroit Metro Times.

For more information about vinyl mesh banners, stage scrims, or any of our other products, feel free to call us at 800-231-4213 or visit the NorthCoast Banners website.

Mendy Rimler

Mendy Rimler

For over two decades, NorthCoast Banners has been the go-to source for high-quality custom printing for large format banners, plastic roll banners, stage backdrops and mobile stage festival banners.